Frequently Asked Questions
Plot 54864 Kt Motsete Road next to BTV along the Western Bypass.
Tel: 365 0700
Fax: 310 5313
Requirements for Replacement of Certificate:
Prepare an Affidavit and state the following: year of exam, name of school, what happened to the certificate and conclude by requesting to be issued with a copy of the certificate.
• Confirmation letter from school as proof of collection (If the centre has returned the certificates to BEC, confirmation letter will not be required)
• Identity document and certified copy (strictly OMANG for citizens and passport for non-citizens)
• To pay a sum of P150 -for certificates lost or damaged before 18 months grace period, (Applies only within 18 months after the issuance of certificates).
• To pay a sum of P250.00- for certificates lost or damaged after 18 months grace period applies, (after 18 months of issuance of certificates).
• Names on the certificates to be identical to names on the identity document (otherwise proof to be provided)
• Affidavit is required to prove name differences in the certificate and identity documents.
• Affidavit is also required to confirm any spelling mistakes in the first name or middle name.
• Letter from Customary court (Kgosi/Chief) or letter from Department of Civil and National Registration office for Surname difference (For instance, Marriage certificate)
• When a person other than the owner of the certificate makes a request, the applicant should have authority from the owner of the certificate in the form of an affidavit.
If the owner is outside the country the applicant is expected to produce:
• An affidavit from the applicant and
• An authorization letter or oath from the owner of the certificate to ascertain that they have been granted permission by the owner of the certificate
• Birth certificate for individuals under the age of 16 provided only the name of the parent appears on the birth certificate.
NO. Revision papers are shredded after every examination series.
All statements of entry should be received by August of the exam series. If not you should contact BEC and inform them. They will assist you accordingly.
It can be accessed on the BEC website, social media pages and at schools.
You will need to produce a document that explains the change of surname and bring your ID.
No, there is no age restriction for registering as a private candidate.
Refunds can only be made when: done within a month after registration has closed, there is a medical condition supported by a medical report from the doctor stating that you cannot write the exam, you have been admitted to a tertiary institution and a copy of the admission letter should be submitted.
You will need to produce a medical report from your Doctor stating that you are ill and as a result will not be able to sit for your examination.
No. The money would have already been used to prepare for the examination. It is advisable to rather withdraw from the examination within a month after registration has closed.
Certificates are expected to stay in school for only two (2) years before being returned to BEC but some schools can keep them longer due to reasons that they will have advanced to BEC.
Requirements for Collection of original Certificate
• Identity document and certified copy (strictly OMANG for citizens and passport for non-citizens)
• To pay a sum of P250.00- after 18 months grace period, (Certificates remaining uncollected after 18 months at BEC).
• Candidates who collect certificates in BEC within 18 months grace period are not liable to pay fee
• Names on the certificates to be identical to names on the identity document (otherwise proof to be provided)
• Affidavit is required to prove name differences in the certificate and identity documents.
• Affidavit is also required to confirm any spelling mistakes in the first name or middle name.
• Letter from Customary court (Kgosi/Chief) or letter from Department of Civil and National Registration office for Surname difference (For instance, Marriage certificate)
• When a person other than the owner of the certificate makes a request, the applicant should have authority from the owner of the certificate in the form of an affidavit.
If the owner is outside the country the applicant is expected to produce:
• An affidavit from the applicant and
• An authorization letter or oath from the owner of the certificate to ascertain that they have been granted permission by the owner of the certificate
• Birth certificate for individuals under the age of 16 provided only the name of the parent appears on the birth certificate.
A certifying statement is an official document issued by BEC to a candidate whose certificate is lost or damaged. It shows all the grades awarded to the candidate in a given examination series.
P150.00 - for certificates lost or damaged before 18 months grace period, (Applies only within 18 months after the issuance of certificates).
P250.00 - for certificates lost or damaged after 18 months grace period applies, (after 18 months of issuance of certificates).
Requirements for correcting Certificates
Certificates can be corrected within 18 months after being issued. Otherwise, no correction/amendment will be made
• A letter of request from the school/Centre, (only spelling amendment or Date of Birth will be made)
• Private candidates on the other hand should provide a letter and an Affidavit to request correction.
• Original certificate and copy of certified ID/birth certificate to be provided.
• (No inclusion of additional name of change of surname will be made)
To pay a sum of P600.00
Requirements for verification and migration Certificate:
• A letter of request from client (candidate, prospective employee, educational institution)
• Year of completion and centre of sitting the examination
A Migration Certificate is a document issued to an individual who sat the BEC examination and wishes to pursue their education outside the country. It clarifies the qualification, the grading criteria and performance of the candidate.
Requirements for certifying BEC Certificates:
• Clean copies of current BEC Statement of Results (PSLE, JCE, BGCSE) :
• The validity of Statement of Results expires with the issuing of certificate.
• Clean copies of BEC certificates (PSLE, JCE, BGCSE)