BEC Board

The Board of the BEC is established in terms of the BEC Act and comprises 8 (including the CEO, ex-officio) Members appointed by the Minister of Child Welfare and Basic Education. The Board has adopted a Board Charter which sets out the operating procedures which regulate the conduct of business and the roles and responsibilities. The Board comprises a diversity of skills and expertise in education, finance, audit, human resources and law; and is also gender balanced.

Dr. Olefile Molwane
Dr. Olefile MolwaneBoard Chairperson
Ms. Masego Mokubung
Ms. Masego MokubungVice Board Chairperson
Ms. Ivy Ramalohlanye
Ms. Ivy RamalohlanyeMember
Ms. Kelebogile Lecoge
Ms. Kelebogile LecogeMember
Mr. Onkagetse Pusoentsi
Mr. Onkagetse PusoentsiMember
Ms. Thato Angela Lesejane
Ms. Thato Angela Lesejane Member
Mr. David Ratsatsi
Mr. David RatsatsiMember
Dr. Moreetsi Thobega
Dr. Moreetsi ThobegaCEO (Ex Officio)

Governance - The Board

The Board has, in terms of Section 12 (1) of the BEC Act established three (3) committees to assist the Board to execute its mandate effectively. The Committees have clear terms of reference documented in respective Committee Charters.

Board Meetings

The Board to meet at least three times annually to discuss matters relating to Strategy and Performance, Financial Position of the Board, Risk Management, Human Resource matters, Sustainability and Governance. Members contribute to strategy formulation as well as monitoring and measuring the BEC performance and that of its Executive Management against key performance indicators.

Board Committees

The Board has, in terms of Section 12 (1) of the BEC Act established three (3) committees to assist the Board to execute its mandate effectively. The Committees have clear terms of reference documented in respective Committee Charters.

Examinations and Assessments Committee

Provides oversight over examinations and assessments processes and recommends to the Board policies and regulations in General Education and TVET, including assessment syllabi. It recommends examination results and handles appeals onwards. The Committee is responsible for research and planning and implementation of related policies.

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee’

The Governing Board in line with good Corporate Governance has established a Finance and Audit Committee which is governed by the Charter approved by the Governing Board and reviewed annually.

Human Resources Committee

The main purpose of the Human Resources Committee includes but not limited to provision of guidance and oversight on the management and optimum utilisation of human capital in order to ensure stability and business continuity.